Hydrogen Park: a new world
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Ataieu S.r.l. has been operating since 2018 in the Moldovan territory and was initially born from the founder’s desire to create a reality capable of helping small and medium-sized Italian companies to internationalize.
(For those who do not yet know us, I invite you to explore our website where we list our services and areas of work)
Over the years, the founder has pursued a parallel path; I am referring to the branch of research and development in the field of hydrogen (H2) production, which is used both to produce ‘green’ (thermal and electrical) energy and to promote the well-being of the human body.
This parallel avenue, which began as a simple exploratory branch, both because of the successes achieved with the creation of various prototypes, and because of the simultaneous courtship by companies interested in using them, has grown in terms of both investment and human resources employed, and has now become such an important company branch that it has become the company’s true core business. To distinguish it from its predecessor, Ataieu is now enriched by the Hydrogen Park branch, all focused on technological research applied to the production and use of hydrogen gas.
Like any new entrepreneurial adventure, the precursor is often full of unforeseen events and twists and turns, often bringing a good dose of adrenaline, enthusiasm, study, and above all, hard work and dedication.
Over the past two years, however, the forerunners of Hydrogen Park have begun to lay the foundations of future industrial design, prioritizing and putting order among the various research and prototype production projects, among the various connections and collaborations with companies with expertise in specific technologies that are the subject of our research, and among the various specialists and professionals needed to test and improve our nascent prototypes.
This arduous work has traced a precise and, in our opinion, obligatory path to follow: that is, we have focused exclusively on a few specific technologies: the production (through various methods) of hydrogen gas exclusively in situ (i.e. produced and immediately used without gas storage) for its simultaneous use in various applications.
Let us explain: but why hydrogen… why in situ and again… why various? Let us go in order:
There is no point in hiding behind a finger: for some time (at least 2 decades) … and perhaps for as long as we can remember, the companies that are now busily producing photovoltaic solutions have been aware that their demise is marked by the arrival of positive energy balance technologies.
We all know that the total sum of the energy used to produce and dispose of a photovoltaic panel is far greater than the energy it produces over the entire time it is in production. If we then talk about energy storage systems, the balance is even more negative. This awareness is supported by the desire of every company that now produces photovoltaics or similar, to convert their production processes to something truly sustainable as soon as possible, because industrial policy can no longer hide the contradictions of a renewable energy (photovoltaic or wind) that is in fact not sustainable. The same discourse should be made (still ‘subheading’) for electric cars, a concentrate of contradictions (see energy, human and environmental costs for the construction and disposal of battery-accumulators).
Here it is that in this panorama, for decades these industries have been looking for innovative solutions focused on the use of infinite, free, ecological and ubiquitous energy: hydrogen precisely.
The idea is good… we all agree on that… but how to put it into practice?
In other words, how can we produce (industrially and otherwise) useful quantities of hydrogen gas, if in fact today its industrial production is very energy-intensive and capable of generating huge emissions of CO2 and various pollutants (see particulate matter)?
I am referring to the stream-reforming (H2) production processes that use fossil fuels (hydrocarbons) that are so demonized today, with waste products such as carbon monoxide (which in turn is used to give further hydrogen with the waste of carbon dioxide); or the use of coal or, even worse, through petrochemical cracking processes.
In recent decades, precisely in order to progressively reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, various companies and research groups have focused on H2 production processes that do not lead to the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere; I am referring ‘above all’ to the production of hydrogen from water by electrolysis, but not only…
That ‘but not only’ covers a long list of technologies which, due to secrecy requirements, are still unknown to most, but certainly various companies are already realizing them.
Hydrogen Park is one of them; we, too, have our aces up our sleeve… (otherwise, what would be the point of entering such a competitive and demanding industrial world without the conviction that we have a trump card in our hands?)
Proceeding with the reasoning… let us start by saying that the big problem that all of us users always have is that hydrogen gas is already highly flammable at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, and even explosive (or rather implosive) under certain conditions. Moreover, being a molecule of very small size and therefore capable of passing through various materials (with which cylinders, tubes, gaskets are made), it is difficult to preserve and store it in hermetically sealed containers; since it is also odorless and colorless, any gas leaks from storage systems are not always detectable. In short…. a nasty beast to handle!
Well, the great baggage provided by the decades of work of our researchers in the field of hydrogen production, leads to the conclusion that the only way to tame that beast, is to make it harmless; and the only way to make a dangerous gas harmless, is to use it (consume it) as it is produced, right within the same machinery. That is where the philosophical choice to concentrate in only those technologies aimed at producing hydrogen “in situ,” that is, at the same site (and I would add “in the same machinery”) where it was produced, comes from.
Furthermore, from an ethical point of view, this precise entrepreneurial choice rests on the conviction that equipment must be created that can decentralize the production and contextual use of hydrogen as an energy resource (the English concept of ‘Scalability’ inherited from the blockchain experience).
Similarly to what happened with the introduction of photovoltaics, the aim is to equip every home or production facility with the ability to produce the energy needed for its own sustenance ‘in situ’; the difference is that instead of producing it with a negative energy balance system such as photovoltaics, the aim is to propose a positive balance solution that hydrogen gas, when properly produced and used, can provide. Hydrogen is an infinite (and therefore sustainable) energy resource and, if we want it, zero km.
It doesn’t end there; we have just talked about hydrogen gas as an energy source, but what else could this gas be used for?
Well… the list is long…. but for us, one hitherto underestimated utility is its beneficial action in the human body! Much of Hydrogen Park’s research, and that of its inventors before it, has for many years been directed towards the use of hydrogen gas to promote a long series of biochemical processes that take place in the human cell.
It should be pointed out immediately that for at least 20 years, there has been an extensive list of qualified medical research in the medical literature demonstrating the effectiveness of hydrogen gas introduced into the human body. There is nothing new on this front. Such studies have been done, in most cases, using hydrogen gas produced elsewhere, then stored and finally made available to the hospital, medical clinic, or biochemistry laboratory and introduced through the tissues by even bloody methods (such as injections/infiltrations). This means that such use is in the meantime only the domain of hospital facilities adequately equipped to handle the use of hydrogen cylinders in extreme safety, and finally of any patients (when not animal guinea pigs) with adequate ‘compliance’ to accept gory maneuvers such as introduction by infiltration.
To tell the truth, there has been no lack over the years of advances in machinery capable of producing hydrogen gas “in situ”, but these are either very bulky devices, very expensive and maneuverable only by specialized operators, or else machines that are albeit minute, affordable and easy to use but with insufficient quality and control over the purity and non-contamination of the hydrogen gas produced. In short… Hydrogen Park has found the space and ingenuity to insert itself in this technological vacuum by producing hydrogen generators with characteristics such as the quality and quantity of the gas produced, as well as the constancy over time of the product generated, to open up the world to an easy, real and immediate use of this gas in various fields of medicine and wellbeing of the human body.
Over the next few years, we will be able to appreciate all the benefits of this gas which, unlike oxygen (which above a certain threshold becomes toxic), when properly introduced into the human body, is never toxic to the human cell and at the same time facilitates a series of biochemical processes useful in maintaining the wellbeing of our body’s cells, tissues and organs.
We are at the forefront of this technological challenge, because research results are proving us right; we are certainly not the only ones who think this way, but we believe in our technological advantage to emerge with products and applications that we think will change (for the better) many of our life habits.
To conclude, Hydrogen Park already has an audience of important players in the industrial/financial world ready and able to make its goals more ambitious, its growth prospects broader, and its technological, entrepreneurial, and commercial firepower greater; but like every flower that has just sprouted, it needs a couple of seasons to generate a ripe and tasty fruit… and so I hope that next autumn we will already be able to tell about the products/devices we are working on, through the mere testimony of the audience of users.